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Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:42 pm
by MisterHentai
Well it was a product of it's time, and I really enjoyed it when I was younger.

Now, it's just, cheesy.


Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:05 pm
by Arch-vile
:) :D :lol: It's always funny when Sylvester Stallone yells.
You want to know what movie I actually liked back then but now think it's so bad that it's good? Street Fighter. Double Dragon on the other hand sucked then and is even worse now. God the jokes in that movie were so bad. The fights were boring and badly choreographed. Alyssa Milano was the only good thing about that movie.

Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:15 pm
by MisterHentai
Street Fighter oh hell yeah!

You know I actually thought it was a bloody awesome movie at the time, even if the character representation and their actors was just so completely messed up. Everyone always praises Raul Julia as Dictator/Bison because he was just so over the top in a good way.

And yeah, Mr T-1000 himself in Double Dragon, really?.

Videogame-to-Movie adaptation in the 90's, what was going on. Mario and Lugi, Mortal Kombat, Wing Commander.

If anything, Mortal Kombat as cheesey as it was, is still one of the only decent adaptions so far, the second film, not so much. I mean it was essentially Enter the Dragon, with mystical power nonsense and some cool characters.

Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:08 pm
by Arch-vile
I laugh every time at the end of Street Fighter when they do their win poses. Oh and I crack up when the Japanese soldiers are watching the monitor and they see E. Honda and Zangief fighting, complete with Godzilla sounds. I guess you really can't hate that movie.

Robert Patrick was pretty bad in DD. At that point I only knew him from Terminator 2. He did a great job at being an unstoppable killing machine. Even if he wasn't as big as Arnold, he was lethal and pretty terrifying. But in DD, he was boring.

MK was a good, fun movie. It had that early 90's kung fu movie vibe to it which I liked. The sequel was a joke. I know it's not a movie but, have you seen Mortal Kombat: Legacy?
I thought it was pretty good and I am hopping the second season will be better.

Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:11 pm
by iheartibuki
^ There are plans to make a new movie based on the Legacy short films and it's being directed by the same guy who directed it. Gotta look up a link but I gotsta go..

Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:27 pm
by MisterHentai
Last time I read about that, it didn't look promising too me. Too many changes to make it more gritty and real world, so less or even non-existant of the supernatural elements. Like Baraka just being some human serial killer type.

Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:41 pm
by Arch-vile
I know the Rebirth trailer was a more realistic take on MK. Legacy did have some supernatural elements to it. Where did you read about the new movie? I haven't really been keeping up with it.

Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:20 pm
by MisterHentai
Last time I read about this was ages ago, maybe even last year, I can't remember.

I read it on Eventhubs, a website dedicated to fighting games.

Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:05 am
by .:Someone Else:.
Aaaaah Super Mario Bros...I┬┤m still wandering what the writters took to go from a cute little side scrolling platform game to a weird kinda cyber-punkish, disturbing sci-fi movie...It terrified me when I saw it at 6, and last time I watched it, something like a year ago, I had a hard time seeing it behind my face palm...and when Miyamoto-san says the only problem with this movie is that it stays too close from the game, you understand that guy is kindness imbodied :pi:

Re: Cinema, Film & Movies..

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:56 am
by MisterHentai
Bob Hoskins is one of my favourite British actors, especially for his distinctive Cockney accent, but man, he must had been desperate for money at the time, and no surprise, even he hated his role in that film.

Yeah, I actually enjoyed the film since I was young too. I thought Yoshi was cute, the poor little thing. And the actress playing the Princess, Samantha Mathis, one of my childhood crushes. :lol:

I remember her in Broken Arrow and Jack and Sarah. :D