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Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:46 am
by MisterHentai


Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:26 am
by MisterHentai
WB/DC should really just give up, because quite honestly, Suicide Squad was just as stupid and shit as BvS.

Pretty piss poor incoherent story, pacing and editing issues i.e. you can easily tell where they had to do the reshoots, especially for the obvious forced joke moments that are clearly out of place and just incredibly lame. Not to mention times where you can tell they had to phone-it-in with the differences in costume/makeup work to splice the scenes in together.

I don't even want to start with the Joker and Harley's relationship and it's no wonder alot of fans of these two characters are pretty pissed at their portrayal. I'm not a fan, but even I know of what happens in the comics and this new romanticised relationship they have is to the most forced change to go about it. WB/DC don't have the balls and so they have to appease this generation's whiny/SJW demographic?

Just like BvS, this film is written by a dumb teenager for the dumb teenager mentality of film audiences. It's like they are really try hard to be the most Marvel with this one, but completely miss the point of why Marvel does it better.

But don't worry horny boys or deranged girls, waifu bait Harley is there to appetise your dick and therefore the film is automatically good, regardless of the huge amount of problems going against it!

Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 9:32 am
by raidergale
Movie isn't out until next week in Italy so I'm glad there weren't spoilers there :LOL: I think I read that WB made another more lighthearted cut of the movie which is the one that ended up being approved? While the director's shoots were darker and WB wasn't ok with that? All that meddling WB does to its films usually ends up ruining the movies, so maybe the director's cut was better :pi: Not to mention that WB apparently got the people who cut the various trailers to actually cut the whole film, which is quite dumb imo :LOL:

Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:41 pm
by Dazzy
Well I personally enjoyed it and thought it was great, but I guess I'm a "dumb teenager" because I like it. Or maybe I'm a "horny boy" because of Harley I dunno.

Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:15 am
by MisterHentai




No doubt they will try to use the blu-ray extended cut tactic again once the home media is released. But if BvS ULTIMATE was any indication, it didn't exactly change it's perception much either.

Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:22 am
by raidergale
From what I read online BvS got better with the extended cut. As in, not a great film but at least most of the stupid editing issues weren't there anymore, which is something at least since when I saw the movie I was constantly thinking "why are we random switchingly to this scene now? What's going on?!" :lol:

Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:31 am
by MisterHentai
Yeah some of the extra scenes did explain some things better, but in the end, much of it was still completely pointless when the core plot was still the same dumb thing.

Take for example Lois Lane's subplot, that still went nowhere and was utterly pointless ....... just like her role in the film. :mis: :LOL:

Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:35 am
by raidergale
She randomly knew to dive in the water to retrieve the spear though! :LOL: ... after she threw it in the water herself. :lol:

Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:38 am
by king.neko212
the movie itself had the generic western movie scenes, at first things go great and everyone gets introductions, near the end everything goes all :feel: and shit, and then the main chars do sth heroic and the movie is done :LOL:

the joker scenes in the movie were absolutely useless, it seemed like they only wanted to shove him in there since hes the most "relevant" and get more views from him, and he only ggets like about 20 or less screentime :fdat: which is kinda disgusting considering how much they promoted him and made him the "face" of the whole movie :fdat:

other than that, the movie wasnt THAT bad, it was like ok , but like it still lacked in some areas

Re: Cinema, Film, Movies, TV..

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:43 am
by MisterHentai
It was the amount of hype surrounding him before the movie came which was the most :yawn: wotevah.

Jared Leto's METHOD ACTING! He constantly stays in character when off filming .... blah blah blah. Yeah that sure worked out well in the end. :LOL:

And not only that, now he is complaining that there was a ton of deleted scenes he had shot, enough to make an entire Joker movie, and he is also disappointed by the current cut. :LOL: